no frogs, no wild beasts, no boils or locusts. no wondering in the desert, worshiping golden calves.
just a simple one hour el al flight - that's all that prompts our arrival in the holy land. we are not ready to leave egypt - it's been incredible, iconic, action packed, delicious, and fun. let my people stay!
alas, it is time to leave ... we pack up and prepare to head for cairo international ... ali, our driver for the day, pushes us through the belching traffic and we submit to extreme security. it's hard to imagine that, as we relax on the israeli jet which will shuttle us to ben gurion airport, that not that long ago, this flight would have been impossible. egypt and israel, sworn enemies in battle, now at peace, even if at times that stability is fraught with tension.
finally back in israel - my father has landed, and is at the hotel waiting for us. this is our third time in israel with the kids - the final part of the bar and bat mitzvah trilogy - and my mother had joined us on previous visits. it's sad to know that she is not here with us this time, recognizing that she would have loved visiting israel for passover, enjoying the seder meal here, and the spring weather - so different than the summer heat which she did not love on the last two trips. we miss her.
ahhhh, israel. so lovely, so hip, so non-service oriented! did we really reserve a car, they ask at the counter (of course we did, playing out the charade of lost reservations). are we sure we booked those rooms at the hotel (here's the paperwork, daaaahhhhling). all is good, we retire exhausted.
arnie is up in the morning, jet-lagged but great, and we enjoy breakfast. finally, a chance to unpack. our tiny carry-on bags seem like russian dolls - each one opens revealing more things that need shelf space, hangars, bathroom counter. did we really bring that much? how can it be, no bags were checked. it seemingly takes hours of strategizing to get organized, shed our suitcases, find all those plugs - ipods, iphones, macbooks, israeli mobiles, cameras - such insanity!
we are situated right on the beach in tel aviv, and not to sound like liberty travel, but there really is a golden crescent of sand with mediterranean waves lapping at the shore directly beneath our balcony (a perfect perch for jane and i to enjoy a glass of wine while the kids play matkot in the late afternoon sun!). heavenly.
dizengoff street is hopping, everyone purchasing bunches of gorgeous flowers for the upcoming passover holiday - long stemmed white gladiolis, spring mixes - and there's a buzz in the air. the bauhaus center, the amazing shops (marlee pops in for an indigo dress), a fine lunch of delicious israeli salads ... tel aviv is cool and funky. love it! ilana and louis call, they've arrived from munich with the girls, and we can't wait to see them tomorrow!
back to the hotel for a late afternoon workout (we all sneak down to the gym - so funny for us to be working out with our teens), although we mysteriously forget andi in his room ... he eventually texts us asking if jared and marlee are in our room getting something, trying to put the pieces together - so cute.
we collect ourselves and get ready for seder dinner at the swanky carlton hotel, arranged months before. we arrive to meet vivi's parents as planned, looking great and welcoming, and we have the most spectacular table prepared for us - flowers (again!), a lovely ceremonial seder plate, hagaddah books - and other large families likewise gathering for the ritual. we read and sing, recalling the jewish exodus from egypt - sounds familiar - and enjoy an amazing feast which is both bountiful and excellent!
an amazing first day here, thinking of our friends celebrating around the world!
just a simple one hour el al flight - that's all that prompts our arrival in the holy land. we are not ready to leave egypt - it's been incredible, iconic, action packed, delicious, and fun. let my people stay!
alas, it is time to leave ... we pack up and prepare to head for cairo international ... ali, our driver for the day, pushes us through the belching traffic and we submit to extreme security. it's hard to imagine that, as we relax on the israeli jet which will shuttle us to ben gurion airport, that not that long ago, this flight would have been impossible. egypt and israel, sworn enemies in battle, now at peace, even if at times that stability is fraught with tension.
finally back in israel - my father has landed, and is at the hotel waiting for us. this is our third time in israel with the kids - the final part of the bar and bat mitzvah trilogy - and my mother had joined us on previous visits. it's sad to know that she is not here with us this time, recognizing that she would have loved visiting israel for passover, enjoying the seder meal here, and the spring weather - so different than the summer heat which she did not love on the last two trips. we miss her.
ahhhh, israel. so lovely, so hip, so non-service oriented! did we really reserve a car, they ask at the counter (of course we did, playing out the charade of lost reservations). are we sure we booked those rooms at the hotel (here's the paperwork, daaaahhhhling). all is good, we retire exhausted.
arnie is up in the morning, jet-lagged but great, and we enjoy breakfast. finally, a chance to unpack. our tiny carry-on bags seem like russian dolls - each one opens revealing more things that need shelf space, hangars, bathroom counter. did we really bring that much? how can it be, no bags were checked. it seemingly takes hours of strategizing to get organized, shed our suitcases, find all those plugs - ipods, iphones, macbooks, israeli mobiles, cameras - such insanity!
we are situated right on the beach in tel aviv, and not to sound like liberty travel, but there really is a golden crescent of sand with mediterranean waves lapping at the shore directly beneath our balcony (a perfect perch for jane and i to enjoy a glass of wine while the kids play matkot in the late afternoon sun!). heavenly.
dizengoff street is hopping, everyone purchasing bunches of gorgeous flowers for the upcoming passover holiday - long stemmed white gladiolis, spring mixes - and there's a buzz in the air. the bauhaus center, the amazing shops (marlee pops in for an indigo dress), a fine lunch of delicious israeli salads ... tel aviv is cool and funky. love it! ilana and louis call, they've arrived from munich with the girls, and we can't wait to see them tomorrow!
back to the hotel for a late afternoon workout (we all sneak down to the gym - so funny for us to be working out with our teens), although we mysteriously forget andi in his room ... he eventually texts us asking if jared and marlee are in our room getting something, trying to put the pieces together - so cute.
we collect ourselves and get ready for seder dinner at the swanky carlton hotel, arranged months before. we arrive to meet vivi's parents as planned, looking great and welcoming, and we have the most spectacular table prepared for us - flowers (again!), a lovely ceremonial seder plate, hagaddah books - and other large families likewise gathering for the ritual. we read and sing, recalling the jewish exodus from egypt - sounds familiar - and enjoy an amazing feast which is both bountiful and excellent!
an amazing first day here, thinking of our friends celebrating around the world!
1 comment:
Harr leeee,you are at it again ! HOw wonderful !! super marvelous !!It's SUCH fun travelling with you, reading your words, always hilarious, intelligent, cool and oh so sensitive.Kids have grown,looking great, Jane too, you are the photographer i guess.
Chag Sameach to all 5 of you; Enjoy every mo, am sure you will, we are in tow! Love you, XOXO Edna
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